• mochini o hloekisang moea ka bongata

UV Air Purifier e nang le Sesefa sa HEPA, Matla a Maholo a Likolo tse Kholo, Sebaka sa Sechaba, Sebaka sa Indasteri jj

UV Air Purifier e nang le Sesefa sa HEPA, Matla a Maholo a Likolo tse Kholo, Sebaka sa Sechaba, Sebaka sa Indasteri jj

Ts'ehetsa ho hloekisoa ha moea PM2.5 likaroloana, li-ion tse mpe, mahlaseli a ultraviolet, le tlhoekiso ea formaldehyde;

Sehopotso sa ho khutlisa filthara

Tšehetsa 3 lebelo la phetoho

Tšehetsa PM2.5 dijithale go baya leitlho le pontsho ya nako ya sebele

Leseli la moea la sensor ea moea

Nako ea nako: 1-8H

Boleng ba lerata bo lekantsoeng: 35-55bd

'Mala: Lenaka la Tlou le Tloaelehileng

Mofuta oa kutlo: Sensor ea lerōle ea infrared

E na le setifikeiti sa EU (CE-LVD-EMC/ROHS/FCC/EPA) e pharaletseng le tlaleho ea tlhahlobo e nyane ea sterilization

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Setšoantšo sa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa

Mohlala : LYL-KQXDJ-01
Matla a tlhahiso a Negative Anions: limilione tse 75/s
Matla a lekantsoeng: 75W
Matla a lekantsoeng: 100v---240v/50Hz-60Hz
Mokhoa oa ho hloekisa: ultraviolet + negative ion + sefahla se kopaneng (filtration ea mantlha + HEPA + activated carbon + photocatalyst) tlhoekiso ea multilayer
Sebaka se sebetsang: 40-60m²
Boleng ba CADR: 400m³/h
Lerata: 35-55bd
Tšehetso : WIFI, taolo ea hole, PM2.5
Sebala nako: Lihora tse 1-8
Boholo ba sehloekisi sa moea: 420*210*630mm
·Lebelo la moya: 3 gear lebelo la moea
Setifikeiti: (CE-LVD-EMC/TUV-ROHS/FCC/EPA) tlaleho ea teko


·Tsehetsa mokhoa o itekanetseng o bohlale

· Ts'ehetso ea ponts'o ea skrineng sa LED

Ts'ehetsa mokhoa oa ho robala le mokhoa o khutsitseng

·Ts'ehetsa ts'ebetso ea senotlolo sa bana

·Ts'ehetsa sekoaelo se bulehileng le ts'ireletso ea ho tima motlakase

·Tsehetsa remote control

· Taolo ea phanele: likonopo tse 9

*Tsehetsa WIFI/APP taolo e hole (ho ikhethela)

Matla a lekantsoeng: 75W

Bakeng sa tlhaiso-leseling e batsi le mefuta e meng, ka kopo lokoloha ho siea molaetsa oa hau, re tla con (

· Matla a lebone la Ultraviolet: 25W

Motlakase: 220V/50Hz, 110V/60Hz

·Palo ea li-ion tse mpe tse hlahisoang: 75 million/S

Mokhoa oa tlhoekiso: ultraviolet + ion negative + filthara e kopaneng (filtration ea mantlha + HEPA + activated carbon + photocatalyst) tlhoekiso ea mekhahlelo e mengata

Sebaka se sebetsang: 40-60m²

*Bophahamo ba moea o hloekileng: 400m³/h

·Lebelo la moea: 3 gears lebelo la moea

Jiekang LYL-KQXDJ-01 air purifier e na le tse 'ne ho e le' ngoe ea HEPA e hloekisang matla a ho hloekisa habeli.E kopane ebile e bobebe, e loketse likamore tse nyane malapeng, lifoleteng, liofising, likolong, liunivesithing, lipetlele, liofising tsa meno le tse ling.E tlosa ka khutso 99.9% ea chefo e kotsi e kenyelletsang lintho tse allelang, monko, li-VOC, mosi, peō ea limela, phofshoana, lerōle, mosi, litšila le tse ling tse fihlang ho 0.1 ka boholo.E nepahetse bakeng sa likamore tsa ho robala, likamore tsa bana, matlo a bana, likamore tsa ho hlatsoetsa liaparo, kichine, liofisi le tse ling.


1, 3 gear ea phetoho ea lebelo la moea.

2, khopotso ea ho khutlisa filthara ea tšehetso.

3, 360 ° ts'ehetso ea motsamao oa mabili a bokahohleng.

4, Ka pontšo ea skrine ea touch ea LED.

5, 9 dikonopo Taolo ya Panel.Remote Control / WIFI/APP remote control (ho ikhethela).

6, E na le sensor ea phetoho ea filthara le sensor ea "Dust infrared".

7, Tlosa filthara habonolo haholo.

8, tšebeletso ea ho hloekisa moea ea OEM/ODM.

9, Ts'ireletso ea ts'ehetso ea ho tima ha o bula sekoaelo, Mokhoa oa othomathike o bohlale, mokhoa oa ho robala le mokhoa o sa bueng.

Ha mochine o sebetsa, basebetsi ba ka khona

thabela ka ho toba moea o hloekileng le o hloekileng setšeng

Molao-motheo oa ho Sebetsa

Ho hema moea o nang le libaktheria le likokoana-hloko ho tloha lehlakoreng

Matla a phahameng a lebone la ultraviolet mahlaseli ke sterilizer

Ho thibela likokoana-hloko ka mochine oa mochine

Kamora ho phethoa, moea o hloekileng o tla tsoa sebakeng sa moea

mosebedisi botsoalle moralo

Mokhoa o bohlale oa ho thibela likokoana-hloko

Nako ea lihora tse 1-8 e ka beoa

Ts'ebetso ea nako

E bonolo 'me u boloke matšoenyeho

Hloekiso e ngata

Le Filtration e tebileng

Ho tlosa monko o monate le moea o hloekileng

Tlhoekiso + khabone e kentsoeng

ha ho monko ntlong e ncha

Acated carbon e hlophisitsoe ka har'a marang-rang a boiler

sehloekisi sa moea空气净化机 (17)
sehloekisi sa moea空气净化机 (18)
sehloekisi sa moea空气净化机 (19)

Feme ea Rona


Guangdong Liangyueliang Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd ke khoebo ea naha ea theknoloji e phahameng e sebetsanang le R&D, tlhahiso le thekiso ea mohloli o khethehileng oa leseli oa UV.Khampani e fetisitse setifikeiti sa ISO9001: 2015 tsamaiso ea machaba ea tsamaiso ea boleng.E na le sehlopha sa R&D le basebetsi ba botsamaisi ba nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 15, 'me e hapile palo ea litokelo tsa molao tsa naha le litokelo tsa mohlala tsa ts'ebeliso.Ke indasteri ea ts'ireletso ea tikoloho ea China Ke setho sa mokhatlo le setho sa lekhotla la Guangdong Environmental Protection Industry Association.
Liangyueliang e itlamme ho R&D le tlhahiso ea ts'ebeliso ea sehlahisoa sa UV, sehloeki sa moea sa ka tlung, sehloeki sa moea sa bongaka, sehloeki sa moea sa khoebo le sa sechaba le se bolaeang likokoana-hloko ho tloha ka 2002. lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea othomathike, ho hlokomela sejoale-joale, maemo le ts'ebeliso Tlhahiso e kholo, taolo e tiileng ea netefatso ea boleng, ho netefatsa botsitso le ts'epahalo ea sehlahisoa, letoto la lihlahisoa tsa hajoale le fetile CE, ROHS, EMC, EPA, TUV certification Etc, 'me li romelloa ho tse ling. ho feta linaha tse 80, li rorisitsoe haholo ke likoleche tse ngata le liunivesithi le likhoebo tse tsebahalang.
Ho tloha ha ho thehoa k'hamphani, re liangyueliang re batla 'nete ho tsoa ho lintlha, boikutlo ba bokhabane, ho finyella tlhokahalo ea bareki le' maraka.Rea u amohela ho ikopanya le rona Liangyueliang ho tseba haholoanyane.




Puseletso ea Thomello

1, Litaelo tsa AII li tla romelloa nakong ea matsatsi a 5 hang ha tefo ea hau e phethiloe (- Ntle le Matsatsi a Phomolo).

2, Ha re tiise nako ea ho fana ka thepa eohle ea machaba ka lebaka la liphapang tsa linako tsa ho tlosa meetlo linaheng ka 'ngoe, tse ka amang hore na lihlahisoa tsa hau li hlahlojoa kapele hakae.

3, Re ke ke ra khutlisa litefiso tsa ho tsamaisa thepa bakeng sa thomello e hanetsoeng.
4, Re tla ikarabella bakeng sa litaelo tsohle tse fosahetseng tsa ho romella le tsa boleng.
5, Bareki ba tlameha ho fana ka tlhaiso-leseling e nepahetseng ea bareki, ho seng joalo bareki ba hloka ho lefella tahlehelo.6, Ka kopo hlokomela hore bareki ba ikarabella bakeng sa litefiso tsohle tsa tlatsetso ea lekhetho, litefiso tsa boroki, mesebetsi, le makhetho bakeng sa ho romelloa naheng ea heno. Litefiso tsena tse ling li ka bokelloa nakong ea thomello.
Mathata a Size & Fit
Saese e bonts'itsoe ka litekanyo tse ikhethileng ho lintlha tse qaqileng, ka kopo sheba lintlha pele o etsa liodara.Haeba u fumana boholo ba lihlahisoa ha bo lumellane le uena, u ka ikopanya le rona ka ho toba.

1, Kea leboha ka theko ea hau, re ananeloa ka lebaka la ts'epo ea hau.2, khotsofalo ea hau le maikutlo a nepahetseng ke tsa bohlokoa haholo ho rona.ka kopo tlohela maikutlo a nepahetseng le linaleli tse 5.3, Pele o tlohela maikutlo a sa nke lehlakore le a fosahetseng, ka kopo ikopanye le rona ho rarolla bothata.

bophelo bo botle2

Hotline ea tšebeletso ea lihora tse 24: 400-848-2588

Mohala: 86-0757-86405580 86-0757-86405589

Fax: 86-0757-86408626

E-mail:  service@lyluv.com

Eketsa: The 3rd Storey of Block No 2 in ShaChongWei Area, XiaoTangXinJing Village, ShiShan Town, NanHai District, Foshan City,China

Lihora tsa ho Bula

Uday ------------ E koetsoe

Mantaha - Moqebelo------------- 9am - 12am

Matsatsi a Phomolo a Sechaba ---- 9:00am - 12:00am

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • sehloekisi sa moea (3) sehloekisi sa moea (16) sehloekisi sa moea (18) sehloekisi sa moea (21)